'Quarriors!' For iOS Is Free This Week: Download & Play The Incredible Dice Building Board Game On Your iPad

'Quarriors!' For iOS Free This Week: Play The Incredible Dice Building Board Game On Your iPad

Wizkids has just announced that Quarriors!, their incredible "dice building" game for iOS, is available for free throughout the next week. That's only the second time the $3.99 game has been give away for free since its release in 2013, and a real no-brainer.

If you haven't played either the physical or digital versions of the tabletop game, it's basically a deckbuilding game similar to Ascension or Dominion, just with dice instead of cards - hence the dice building monicker. You will have to capture various monsters from the wild, each of which come with their own custom dice and abilities, and use them to defeat your rivals. Wizkids' phyiscal game is one of the company's most popular and for good reason; it's utterly addictive and a really great time with friends, not to mention how awesome all the little custom dice are.

The iOS version (iPad only, sorry, iPhone fans) faithfully replicates the experience and speeds it up quite a bit, offering both single player and 2-4 player multiplayer modes, both online and off. And now it's free, so you have no excuse not to try it out.

If you really like the game, there's an in-app purchase for the Quarmageddon! expansion, which will run you a mere $1.99 and adds 40 new dice, six monsters, and two spells to the game. If the amount of physical expansions is any indication(there are a lot) there will be more on the way.

You have nothing to lose except all your free time, so download Quarriors! from the App store right here. It will only be free until April 10- get rolling.

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