Returning to the Uncanny Valley: L.A. Noire's Gag Reel

Gag reels are fairly commonplace in movies today, either as something to laugh over while the credits run, or as some kind of an extra on the DVD release. But in videogames? Not so much.

This would make the following gag reel for L.A. Noire easily the first in the category.

With the way the animators had the characters acting the way actual actors do during flubs, what with the walking off screen, eye rolls, smirks, and that creepy tongue roll at the 1:08 mark, you do tend to forget you're watching clips from a videogame, as opposed to a movie, which just proves the team behind L.A. Noire is deserving of all the credit they've been given and more. But enough of my drippy appreciation, watch the clip below!

While it is indeed a bit akward watching a CGI character sneeze, the gag reel does serve as a reminder of the game's technical achievements with the MotionScan technology. The feature was equally impressive in gameplay as it is here in the gag reel, just a wee bit more disturbing.

Rockstar has said that they are "considering what the future may hold for L.A. Noire as a series", adding that they "don't always rush to make sequels". They also announced that no further DLC or additional content would be developed for the current edition.

It was announced in mid-November that KNM Studios had scheduled a release for Whore of the Orient, set in 1936 Shanghai, China, and will use similar in 2015. The game has been revealed to be set in 1936 Shanghai, China, and the team is considering using the same type of technology. Given a 2015 release date, it probably won't be seen on this generation of consoles.

As for L.A. Noire itself, gamers probably haven't seen the last of it. In an investor conference call, Take-Two Interactive CEO, Strauss Zelnick, said that L.A. Noire was "a very successful release" and that they "have every reason to believe that L.A. Noireis another strong franchise for this company". He reiterated that they "do see L.A. Noire as a powerful new franchise." He also said the game "has become an important franchise for the company," and is now a key property in the company's portfolio.

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