Ghostbusters Comes to Minecraft [FANDOM]

You know you've done well when a labor of love is impressive enough to garner attention by both the 4J team, and Minecraft creator Markus "Notch" Persson.

Begun shortly after the Beetlejuice roller coaster rocked the web in March, "Railbusters" is another truly impressive Minecraft cart-coaster that even Bill Murray would get a kick out of.

Fans of the movie will spot some familiar locations and faces, like the hallway and ballroom of the Sedgewick Hotel, library, Firehouse, Dana Barrett's apartment, Ecto-1, Slimer, the Ghostbusters themselves, Stay Puft, and either Vinz Clortho or Zuul. Interdimensional dog-like demi god creatures all look the same to me.

Keep your eyes peeled for some great attention to detail, such as:

- the books flying out of the library's book shelves
- experience globes as ectoplasm
- dispensers in the ballroom to recreate the Ghostbusters' damage. The crashed chandelier? Beautiful
- various old school game ghosts like Boo, MeatBoy

By far, the best effects were the rotating proton streams and the extra three dimensional Stay Puft. Personally, I didn't care much for the music, but that's really a secondary feature of this particular coaster. Hats off nuropsych and all the crafters who assisted in this particular build.

Keep your eye on this channel, I'm sure there's a lot more impressive Minecrat stuff comin' from 'em...

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