'Making a Murderer' Season 2 Latest News & Update: Opposed Freedom for Brendan Dassey

'Making a Murderer' Season 2 Latest News & Update: Opposed Freedom for Brendan Dassey

Netflix's documentary hit "Making a Murderer" has garnered a lot of attention and controversies as it focused on cases regarding the alleged murder of Steven Avery and Brendan Dassey . The series exploded in popularity and brings the case and others involved to the national spotlight.

According to AP news, the release of "Making a Murderer" subject, Brendan Dassey has been blocked by the panel of federal appellate judges this Thursday, just days after the approval of the lower court for him to be released from jail under supervision. Dassey's lawyers, Laura Nirider and Steve Drizin are disappointed on the court's decision and said that their fight and appeal will still go on.

In the article written by The Guardian, Wisconsin's attorney general, Brad Schimel filed an emergency motion to block Dassey's release as he offered a detailed confession to the crime with the assistance of a clinical social worker. Hence, the decision of the 7th US Circuit Court of Appeals in Chicago.

Dassey was sentenced to life imprisonment in 2007 for the death of photographer Teresa Halbach due to the rape and murder charges filed against him. During the unsupervised interview of the investigators, he confessed that he helped his uncle Steven Avery to rape and kill Halbach. Both of them were found guilty in separate trials.

 "Making a Murderer" 10-episode series get the national attention from the Halbach case especially in the case of Dassey since it was perceived by his lawyers as "indefensible" treatment from his first trial attorney.

Meanwhile, Avery just wrote a letter thanking his supporters and attorney, Zellner, and hoped for a positive outlook on his situation. In the letter posted by his niece Carla Chase on Twitter, he wrote that everything is well for now and that he has the best lawyer in the world.

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