'The Elder Scrolls 6' Release Date, News & Update: Sequel Confirmed, But Sidelined By 'Fallout 4 VR', 'Fallout 5'? More Gameplay Details

'The Elder Scrolls 6' Release Date, News & Update: Sequel Confirmed, But Sidelined By 'Fallout 4 VR', 'Fallout 5'? More Gameplay Details

It's been a while since players have last set foot on Tamriel. It's no wonder, therefore, that the clamor for the creation of a new "The Elder Scrolls 6" grows only stronger every year. Unfortunately, the year is almost to a close with very little news from Bethesda, save for the confirmation that the sequel was indeed happening in the distant future.

And distant future that is, indeed, especially after reports that Bethesda is currently working on three big projects at the moment. So while "The Elder Scrolls 6" is definitely on the studio's pipeline, it would not be the priority project.

Priority projects on Bethesda's drawing board

Reports speculated that "Fallout 5" and the "Fallout 4 VR" are on top of Bethesda's list, casting "The Elder Scrolls 6" on the sidelines. Recently, Bethesda's Todd Howard revealed that the studio wanted to create a "Fallout 4" VR version that would reimagine the entire game in virtual reality mode. He even said that the studio is going all out for this project, regardless of the current market that might want such tech--they're just in it for the unique opportunity to bring something new. And while that's all fine and dandy, that means taking precious resources from the studio to focus on "Fallout 4" VR rather than "The Elder Scrolls 6."

GameRant previously reported that Bethesda has also begun working on the preproduction of "Fallout 5," the sequel to "Fallout 4." While it would seem that the studio is only focusing on its "Fallout" franchise, earlier this year it has also launched "The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Special Edition," which, while not a proper sequel to its "Elder Scrolls" franchise, did count to sate fans' craving to reexplore the world of Tamriel.

Excited for "The Elder Scrolls 6"? Tune in for more news and updates on the game.

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