'Thor Ragnarok' Latest News & Update: What To Expect For Chris Hemsworth?

'Thor Ragnarok' Latest News & Update: What To Expect For Chris Hemsworth?

"Thor Ragnarok" is the third Thor movie that will be release in November 3,2017. It is one of the movies in Phase three of Marvel Cinematic Universe. But what is Ragnarok? Is it the end of Asgard? Or will it lead to a great battle that will result in lots of death including major characters like Odin?

Thor is from Norse Mythology, and if "Thor Ragnarok" is the same as the Norse mythology, then in Ragnarok, there is a prophecies and dream about the downfall of Cosmos and it's Gods and Goddesses. Odin gather great warriors to join him in the final battle againts the giants but all of them knew that their actions were in vain. Loki has been able to escape being chained up together with his son Fenrir and set doing precisely what the Gods feared.

Heimdall, the watchman of the Gods and also will appear at "Thor Ragnarok," was the first to spy the army of giants including Loki. Heimdall alert the Gods with the use of Gjallarhorn and the Gods were alarmed. The giants sets to destroy the abode of the Gods and the entire Cosmos.

Fenrir, the son of Loki and a great wolf ran across the land with his lower jaw on the ground and upper jaw on the sky, devouring everything in between. Surt a fire giant who uses his flaming sword to swept across the land leaving infernos. Jormungand a sea serpent and a son of Loki, will battle Thor that will ends up in both killing each other, as did Surt and Freyr. We still don't know if this will appear in "Thor Ragnarok."

Heimdall and loki will slew each other as well. While Odin and Tyr will be killed by Fenrir, who was then killed by Odin's son, Vidar. This could mean that there will be a lot of deaths in "Thor Ragnarok." After that a great reversal of creation happens, ravage lands sank and vanished into the sea . Then soon the earth was raised again from the ocean and the land became more lush and fruitful than it was before. 

In the upcoming film if "Thor Ragnarok" will be base on Norse mythology, Could it be that many Gods will die? Is Loki the mastermind the reason of Ragnarok? will Thor die? If odin die? will Thor reprise the role of Vadir to avenge the death of his father? Will Surt the fire giant will appear on the film? Both Mark Ruffalo and Benedict Cumberbatch will reprise their role as "The Hulk" and "Doctor Strange," so what will there role will be? Lets wait for more updates with Marvel as the film is still leaving us baffled.

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