
Zynga Reveals New "Ville" Games and Social Network

Zynga annoucned at their Zynga Unleashed event held in San Francisco. The event launched five new games coming out this year, including a sequel to FarmVille. The entire platform is capitalizing on the "Ville" titles along with their "...With Friends" mobile and social games.

In an interview with the New York Times, Zynga Founder and CEO Mark Pincus said, "We focus on evergreen categories and brands and game types. We think that the Ville games are fun, and as long as we keep making the game play fun, social and accessible, people will continue to want to engage with each other through those games." The slew of new games announced today are certainly keeping in with the Zynga party line, but that's also what led to market shares dropping for the company earlier this month.

Polygon profiled each of the new games, including ChefVille, The Ville and currently avaliable iOS game Matching With Friends.The multiple Villes' "secret sauce" involves Facebook and social media intergration, allowing players to visit other restaurants and cities like they could do in FarmVille. Zynga's banking pretty hard on whether the lightning can be recaptured from 2010, so we'll just have to wait and see.

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