Overwatch 2 - Sojourn Guide and Abilities

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(Photo : Overwatch 2)

Overwatch 2 is just around the corner, scheduled for its initial release on the 4th of October 2022, and the player base cannot be more hyped. There are so many expectations and hopes on the line here, so it's best to be prepared in advance. That is exactly why we've compiled this short and sweet guide for Overwatch 2's first new hero, Sojourn!

What's her deal?

Sojourn is set to be a solid DPS, hailing from Canada. Lorewise, she was a former Overwatch Captain and you can bet her skillset revolves around that. Her kit is designed to skillfully plan, lead and execute decisive strikes on her enemies. She also employs a very unique kind of mid-range gameplay, putting her incredible high mobility and artillery to excellent use.  

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(Photo : Overwatch 2)


Left Click - Railgun

Sojourn's primary weapon is her handy Railgun. Players can use this as her Primary Fire ability that rapidly fires projectiles which even generate energy on impact. It deals 9 damage per shot and has 45 Ammo. You can go upto 14 ammo per second and have a reload time of 1.2 seconds. And yes, headshots count! 

The aforementioned energy generated can be used to charge up her Secondary. In addition, hitting enemy barriers will also generate energy for Sojourn. 

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(Photo : Overwatch 2)

Right Click - Secondary Fire

Sojourn's Secondary Fire weapon works as a Hitscan ability, ejecting high impact shots that consume the stored energy. The damage can range from 30 to 130, affecting up to a 0.1 meter AOE that scales with energy. There is no cooldown and headshots count here too!

Using the energy stored up from landing hits via her primary fire, Sojourn deals devastating attacks on the battlefield. The Secondary can charge up until a maximum of 100 energy, but can be fired at any charge amount as per requirement. If she undergoes 6 seconds without gaining any energy, stored energy will start decaying at a rate of 50 units per second. 

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(Photo : Overwatch 2)

Left Shift - Power Slide

Sojourn's first ability is a Ground Slide that can be canceled into a high jump. It grants an unknown movement speed per second either horizontally or vertically. The maximum range is still unknown and has a cooldown of 6 seconds. 

This rocket-powered Slide can transition into a high leap at any given time by simply jumping, allowing for quick and easy repositioning. She can even continue to fire while sliding. 

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(Photo : Overwatch 2)

E - Disruptor Shot

Next up is Sojourn's AOE Projectile Ability, which launches an energy shot that can slow and deal damage to all enemies within its range. It can do a total of 210 damage and travel upto a maximum range of 30 meters. Though we don't know the exact projectile speed yey, its AOE is 5 and has a cooldown of 15 seconds. Unfortunately, headshots don't work here.

The Disruptor Shot is proficient at ensnaring enemies within its AOE and eating away at their health, a slow death. This ability can also be used to increase the effectiveness of Sojourn's railgun, making way for truly deadly plays.

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(Photo : Overwatch 2)

Q - Overclock

Sojourn's Ultimate Ability is one that enhances her Railgun to another level! Railgun energy gets auto-charged for a short duration and the charged shots (Secondary Fire) become capable of piercing right through enemies. This insane ability lasts for 9 seconds and costs 2100 points as its Ultimate Cost. In addition, it fully refills Sojourn's energy within a span of 1.2 seconds.

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(Photo : Overwatch 2)

Quick Guide

Now that we are familiar with Sojourn's skills and abilities, let's check out some tips and tricks by Overwatch 2 boosters to make the most impact with her in Overwatch 2. 

1. Don't stop firing: Thanks to her fast reload time and lack of recoil in the Railgun, there aren't really any moments when you shouldn't be firing away. Just constantly spam her weapon on every enemy you see, be it using projectiles or energy beams.

2. Mid-range powerhouse: Sojourn is built to function at her peak at mid range. This means that you'll run into quite a few problems if she gets into melee battles. So make sure you keep your distance and be weary of foes with potent short-range attacks like Reaper, Tracer, Reinhardt and Brigitte.

3. Tanks are charging slots: Enemy Tanks have large hitboxes, making them very easy to hit. Since the Railgun can accumulate charge by damaging both shields and enemies, all the tank heroes make great batteries for your Railgun.

4. Snipe the DPS and Supports: When the Railgun gets enough charge, turn your attention away from the Tanks and towards the enemy DPS and Supports. Use Sojourn's energy beams to take out the more glassy heroes, since the Tanks can't be one-shot using a fully charged energy beam. Get your priorities straight!

5. Combo the primary fire and energy beam: If all your shots hit, this combo can swiftly take down most of the 200 HP heroes. Best part is, your Railgun doesn't even have to be fully charged when shooting the energy beam.

6. Crowd control with Disruptor Shot: Whenever you see clumped up or fleeing foes, it's time to use your E. This incredibly useful ability has quite the cooldown, so using it at the right place and time is vital. If you successfully hit a group, you'll earn yourself a lot of Ultimate charge and make way for your team to pounce on the enemy. Additionally, any coward retreating from the scene can be stopped and put out of their misery with the Railgun.

7. Use the Power Slide wisely: It's really fun to constantly slide about the battlefield. If you've played Neon in Valorant, you already know. But in OW2, you need to save the Power Slide for when it's truly needed in instances like pursuing the enemy, getting around shields and escaping unsavory situations.

8. Partner up with Zarya: Zarya's bubbles can amply sustain Sojourn, even as she goes ham on the enemy team with her Railgun. Additionally, Zarya's Graviton Surge makes it incredibly easier for Sojourn to line-up devastating headshots with her Overclock. Sojourn can help Zarya with her Disruptor Shot too, allowing her to deal tons of damage to clumped up enemies with her Particle Cannon.

9. Patiently observe and aim for the head: Watch your opponents and identify their behavior patterns. Now slow down and calmly aim for their head. Crosshair placement at head level can make a world of difference, so shoot smart!

10. Using Power Slide: Use this dynamic ability to tactically reach the high grounds, traverse short gaps, overcome barriers, move unpredictably, finish off low health foes and dodge attacks. 

     Thus concludes our quick-and-to-the-point guide for OW2's Sojourn. There is no doubt that she is going to stir up the whole game upon release and we can hardly wait! We hope you found this article useful and gained a concise understanding of how this hero works. With that said, let's all meet again on the Overwatch 2 battlefield! 

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